Plant Care

My Secrets for Indoor Alocasia Frydeck Care

August 2, 2023

Hey there! Today, I want to talk to you about one of my newest favourite houseplants – the Alocasia Frydek. These stunning plants are not only visually striking but also relatively easy to care for, which is what gave it a spot in my top ten fave list!

The Alocasia Frydek is the way to go if you’re looking to add beauty to your indoor space. In this article, I’ll dive into everything you need to know about taking care of this magnificent plant, from watering and potting needs to sunlight requirements and its climbing habits. So, grab a coffee and let’s get started!

My Alocasia Frydek Secrets. Learn more here! Title graphic, has picture of green Alocasia plant with triangle leaves inside a frame.

Live and Learn, right?

I recently got an Alocasia Frydek from my favourite plant shop, I was SO excited because its leaves were gorgeous! There were 3 leaves when I brought it home from the store, and it was about ready for a re-pot. Once home I let it acclimate for a few weeks in my house, it slowly got used to my environment.

After that, I was ready to move it in with my other plants. I found a pot that was slightly larger to put it into. First I rinsed all the soil off the roots, as this helps protect the Frydek and other plants from pests. After this, I moved it in with my other plants, and waited to see what would happen!

After a couple of weeks in my plant room, I noticed that the Alocasia had put out a new leaf! This leaf was the biggest it had yet, and now it was up to four. Now I was excited about the new growth, and keeping a close eye on this beautiful plant. Only a week after it put out its newest leaf, yesterday I saw roots shooting out the bottom of the pots, as well as 4 little offshoots coming out of the soil! 

Due to the roots popping out of the pot already, it will need to be put in a larger pot soon, but I would also like to let these offshoots become stronger before doing so! I will have patience for now, but my lesson for next time is to choose a slightly larger pot right away!

Origin of Alocasia Frydek

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of caring for the Alocasia Frydek, let’s take a quick peek at its origins. The Alocasia Frydek, also known as Alocasia Micholitziana ‘Frydek,’ hails from the lush rainforests of Southeast Asia, particularly from regions like Borneo and Malaysia. In the wild, these plants grow on the forest floor, surrounded by dappled sunlight and high humidity. They are a member of the Araceae family and are closely related to the elephant ear plant (Alocasia amazonica).

Now that you know more about what its natural environment looks like, you can learn about what it needs in your home! Imitating its natural environment as much as possible can make a big difference.

Watering Needs

Watering is a crucial aspect of Alocasia Frydek care. These plants prefer their soil to be consistently moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, so be cautious not to drown your precious Alocasia. On the other hand, letting the soil dry out completely is also a big no-no.

Here’s a pro-tip: Check the top inch of the soil with your finger regularly. If it feels dry to the touch, it’s time to water your plant. During warmer months, you might need to water more frequently, and in winter, you can cut back a little. Remember, every indoor environment is different, so keep an eye on your plant’s individual needs.

Pot Needs

When it comes to selecting the perfect pot for your Alocasia Frydek, think “room to grow” rather than “snug fit” like some other plants you may have. These plants enjoy some space for their roots to spread out. Alocasias have a rhizomatous growth habit, meaning they spread through their underground stems (rhizomes). Therefore, choose a pot that is at least 2 inches larger in diameter than the current one.

Make sure the pot has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water from accumulating, as waterlogged soil can quickly lead to trouble. You don’t want your Alocasia Frydek to sit in a puddle of water; they much prefer their feet (roots) dry!

Sunlight Requirements

Now, let’s shed some light on the subject of sunlight! Alocasia Frydek plants adore bright, indirect light. Think of the gentle rays filtering through the trees in their native rainforest habitat. Alocasias are not fans of direct, scorching sunlight, as it can cause their beautiful leaves to burn or develop unsightly brown spots.

Place your Alocasia near a window with sheer curtains or a few feet away from a window that receives bright, indirect light. If you don’t have a suitable window spot, you can also use artificial grow lights, which can be a lifesaver during those gloomy winter days when natural light is scarce.

Climbing Habits

Unlike some other plants, Alocasia Frydek does not have a natural inclination to climb. Instead, they have a bushy growth habit with striking arrowhead-shaped leaves that point upward. The plant typically grows to a height of around 2-3 feet, making it a perfect addition to any indoor space.

If you’re looking to create a visually appealing display, you can place multiple Alocasia Frydek plants together in a cluster, creating a lush tropical corner in your home. Additionally, you can also consider placing a trellis or plant support nearby if you want to guide your Alocasia to grow more upright.

Quick Tips

Now that we’ve covered the detailed essential care aspects of Alocasia Frydek let me share a few additional tips to keep your plant happy and thriving:

  • Humidity: These tropical beauties crave humidity, so try to recreate their native environment as much as possible. You can increase humidity by misting your plant regularly or using a humidity tray. Grouping plants together can also help create a microclimate with higher humidity.
  • Fertilizing: During the growing season, which is typically spring and summer, feed your Alocasia Frydek with a balanced liquid fertilizer every two to four weeks. In the dormant winter months, you can reduce or stop fertilizing altogether.
  • Temperature: These plants prefer temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Keep them away from cold drafts or air conditioning vents, as sudden temperature drops can stress the plant.
  • Pruning: If you notice any damaged or yellowing leaves, don’t hesitate to prune them off. Regular pruning helps maintain the plant’s health and appearance.
  • Pest Control: Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like spider mites and aphids. If you spot any unwelcome visitors, address the issue promptly with neem oil or insecticidal soap. Looking for ways to get rid of Fungus Gnats? Look no further!


Congratulations! You’ve just become an Alocasia Frydek expert. These captivating plants are a fantastic addition to any indoor garden, bringing a touch of tropical elegance to your living space. Remember, the key to successful Alocasia Frydek care is to strike the right balance with watering, provide bright indirect light, and maintain a warm, humid environment.

So, go ahead and welcome this striking beauty into your home. Watch as its leaves unfurl and add a splash of charm to your living space. With a little love and attention, your Alocasia Frydek will reward you with its impressive beauty for years to come. Happy gardening!

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