Plant Care

How To Optimize Your Daily Houseplant Chores for Happy Plants

May 8, 2021

We all have our plant habits, some of which are essential for care while others are simply for fun. Incorporating specific daily activities can help your plants thrive and bring joy and calm to your routines. If these activities are not already a part of your routine, you should consider adding them; they may help your plants flourish! Here are some essential and enjoyable houseplant chores to consider incorporating into your daily routine.

Three Plant Activities to do Daily

  1. Mist Your Plants

One of my favorite houseplant chores is misting my plants daily. Without a humidifier, I use a spray bottle two to three times a day. Misting helps control the humidity around the plants, which is especially beneficial in dry environments. If your plant space is dry and a humidifier isn’t an option, misting might be the solution for you! This simple task can significantly improve your plants’ health by mimicking their natural humid habitats.

  1. Rotate your plants

Rotating your plants is another essential daily houseplant chore. This practice ensures that your plants grow upright and do not become tilted or fuller on one side than another. Since indoor plants don’t receive light from all sides as they would outdoors, rotating them helps distribute light more evenly, promoting balanced growth. Make it a part of your daily routine to give each plant a little spin to keep them growing straight and strong.

  1. Mix the soil

Mixing the top two inches of soil daily is a houseplant chore that offers several benefits. It helps prevent the soil from becoming too compacted, allows air to circulate so the roots get oxygen, and discourages pests. You don’t need any fancy tools for this; I use a paintbrush handle, but a popsicle stick or a fork would work just as well. This small task can make a big difference in maintaining healthy soil and happy plants.

Two Plant Activities to Avoid on a Daily Basis

Some plant choose should just be avoided! You really don’t want to start doing something every day which could overtake the love you have for your plants. Houseplants should support your well-being, so avoiding chores which don’t make you love them makes the hobby much more enjoyable.

1. Check for New Growth

While it’s exciting to see new growth, checking for it daily can be disappointing if there’s nothing new to see. This houseplant chore, if done too often, can take the joy out of caring for your plants. I usually notice new growth when I rotate my plants, but I purposefully avoid looking for it every day to relieve pressure and stress, safeguarding my enjoyment. Let the growth be a pleasant surprise rather than an expectation.

2. Checking the Soil

Another houseplant chore to avoid daily is checking the soil moisture. I check the soil moisture once a week to discourage overwatering. If I checked it daily, I might mistakenly water a plant too soon, thinking it was dry enough. Overwatering can be detrimental to houseplants, so it’s better to have a set schedule for checking moisture to prevent this common issue.

Incorporating Houseplant Chores into Your Routine

We each have our own plant habits, and these are just a few of mine. Incorporating these houseplant chores into your daily routine can make plant care more enjoyable and less stressful. Here are some additional tips to help you find the right balance in your houseplant care routine:

1. Observe Your Plants’ Needs

Every plant is different, so take the time to observe what each one needs. Some plants might benefit from daily misting, while others might not. Adjust your houseplant chores based on the specific requirements of your plants. Pay attention to how they respond to different activities and adjust your routine accordingly.

2. Create a Schedule

Having a schedule can help you stay on top of your houseplant chores without feeling overwhelmed. Designate specific days for tasks like checking soil moisture or inspecting for pests. This way, you can ensure all necessary activities are covered without overburdening yourself with daily tasks.

3. Make It Enjoyable

Houseplant chores should be enjoyable, not a burden. Play some music, listen to a podcast, or simply enjoy the quiet time with your plants. Turning these tasks into a pleasant experience will make you more likely to stick to your routine and enjoy the process of caring for your plants.

4. Use the Right Tools

Investing in the right tools can make your houseplant chores more efficient and enjoyable. A good spray bottle for misting, a reliable moisture meter, and a variety of small tools for mixing soil and pruning can make a big difference in your daily plant care routine.

Sharing and Learning

The beauty of houseplant care is that it’s a continuous learning process. Share your experiences and learn from others. Join plant care communities online, participate in forums, or simply engage with fellow plant enthusiasts on social media. Sharing your houseplant chores and learning from others can provide new insights and ideas to improve your plant care routine.


Houseplant chores can be both rewarding and therapeutic. By incorporating essential daily activities like misting, rotating, and mixing soil, you can help your plants thrive while enjoying the process. Remember to avoid checking for new growth and soil moisture daily to keep the experience enjoyable and stress-free. Creating a balanced and enjoyable routine will ensure that your houseplant care remains a happy hobby, bringing joy and calm to your daily life.

If you have any questions or want to share your plant care routines, feel free to comment or message me on Instagram. Happy planting!

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