Plant Care

String of Turtles Secrets: A Foolproof Guide

August 14, 2023
String of Turtles Secrets: A foolproof guide Learn more here! Picture of a String of turtles plant in a terracotta pot.

Hey there! Today, I’m thrilled to dive into the world of houseplants and explore the delightful String of Turtles. This plant is also known as Peperomia Prostrata if you prefer the botanical name. Are you on the hunt for a unique and easy-to-care-for addition to your indoor jungle? Then look no further! String of Turtles plants are absolute charmers with their trailing vines adorned with adorable turtle-shaped leaves. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about caring for these captivating beauties, including watering needs, potting requirements, and more!

Origin of String of Turtles Plants

Before we dive into how to take care of our green friends, let’s get to know them a bit better. The String of Turtles plant, scientifically known as Peperomia Prostrata, is a member of the Piperaceae family. This delightful trailing plant hails from the lush rainforests of Brazil, where it thrives in the dappled light beneath the dense canopy of larger plants. The name “String of Turtles” is derived from its distinct leaves, which resemble miniature turtles with delicate silver-green patterns on their surfaces.

I Got It Wrong, So You Don’t Have To

Learning from experience is best, but in this case, it doesn’t have to be your own! When I first got my String of Turtles plant, I took ‘let it almost dry out’ a little too seriously. Back then I was overly cautious of fungus gnats, which you don’t want to give too much water, but this backfired! I sporadically watered it, and in the span of a month, it had lost almost all of its leaves. Not cool!

In an attempt to fix it, I quickly got to work. I cut off all the dead sections of the plant, and if any hanging portions were good, I placed them back into the pot. The idea here was to give it as much opportunity to create healthy roots as possible. Then I thoroughly watered it and waited. 

A week or so later, the living parts of the plant which I had redirected into the pot were all still alive, and not long later I started seeing new roots grow. I continued carefully checking the soil, and watering when the first 2-3 inches were dry, and now my String of Turtles is thriving! It has grown off in all directions and hangs beautifully from its shelf. I’m glad I got to save this one, now I just need to find the perfect hanging pot!

Watering Needs

Alright, let’s talk hydration! String of Turtles plants have a moderate thirst and, like many houseplants, it’s important not to overwater them. I’ve learned from experience that these beauties are susceptible to root rot if left in soggy soil for too long. To avoid this, I recommend following the “soak and dry” method.

When watering your String of Turtles, give them a good drink, allowing water to seep through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Then, let the soil dry out almost completely before watering again. The frequency will vary depending on factors like your home’s humidity, the season, and the potting mix used. During the active growing seasons like Spring and Summer, you’ll likely water more often as heat and growth will dry the plant out. When Winter hits and growth slows down, you can cut back on watering a bit.

Pot Needs

Choosing the right pot for your String of Turtles is essential for their well-being. These plants don’t have an extensive root system, so they prefer snug living spaces. Opt for a shallow pot with adequate drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Terracotta pots are an excellent option since they allow for better air circulation, reducing the risk of overwatering.

Additionally, consider the size of the pot – don’t go too large as it can retain excess moisture and promote root rot. A pot that is about an inch or two larger in diameter than the current root ball is ideal. Remember, cozy living spaces are the way to go for our little turtles!

Sunlight Requirements

Time to shed some light on this matter! While String of Turtles plants love bright, indirect light, they are not fans of direct sunlight. Naturally, they thrive under filtered light, so mimic this by placing them near a north or east-facing window. Avoid exposing them to the scorching rays of the afternoon sun, as it leads to sunburn and leaf damage.

If you notice your plant’s leaves turning yellow or browning at the edges, it’s likely getting too much sunlight. On the other hand, if the space is too dim, the leaves may become stretched and leggy. So, find that sweet spot and let your String of Turtles bask in gentle, filtered light.

Climbing or Hanging Information

Now comes the fun part – how to display your String of Turtles plant. These versatile creatures can be grown both as climbers and as delightful hanging plants. The choice ultimately depends on your preferences and available space.

For the climbing option, you can use a trellis or moss pole to support the trailing vines as they grow. As the vines reach for the sky, you can gently guide them and secure them to the support structure with soft ties or twist ties. Watching your String of Turtles climb up a trellis is a rewarding experience and adds a touch of wilderness to your indoor space.

On the other hand, if you’re short on floor space, hanging your String of Turtles is an excellent solution. They look fantastic in hanging baskets, allowing the vines to cascade gracefully downwards. The unique foliage pattern is showcased beautifully in a hanging arrangement, becoming a focal point that draws the eyes upward. Make sure the hanging basket has adequate drainage to avoid waterlogging and don’t forget to rotate it regularly to ensure even growth.


And there you have it – a complete guide to the charming String of Turtles plant! These adorable trailing beauties from the rainforests of Brazil make fantastic houseplants with their unique turtle-shaped leaves and easy-going nature. Remember, watering moderately, choosing the right pot, providing filtered light, and deciding on climbing or hanging, are the keys to keeping your String of Turtles happy and thriving.

So, if you’re looking to add a touch of whimsy and green delight to your indoor space, the String of Turtles is your perfect green companion! Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a newbie to the world of houseplants, you’ll find joy in watching these little turtles flourish and bring life to your home. Happy gardening!

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  • Reply
    August 14, 2023 at 11:35 pm

    Another interesting article! Keep the information flowing…

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